udents interested in pursuing a college education after high school are encouraged to start thinking about the college process early. Every year students should challenge themselves with rigorous courses, which will increase their chances of being accepted to competitive schools and receiving merit scholarships. Students need to be proactive about planning for college.
9th grade - Start planning and thinking about your career interests
10th grade - Meet with your counselor to discuss colleges and their requirements
11th grade - Research colleges you're interested in, attend college fairs, register for the SAT/ACT in the spring
Summer before 12th grade - Narrow down your list of colleges, contact college admissions offices to request more information about admission requirements and deadlines
12th grade - Make sure you meet all graduation requirements, register and take the SAT/ACT in the fall, attend college open houses, apply to the colleges you have chosen, complete the FAFSA after December 1st
* Students are encouraged to apply Early Action (non-binding) - typical deadline is early November. Students applying early will receive a decision from the college before the new year.
Check Out the other Career/College Tabs to help you along with the process.
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